21 ספטמבר 2024
11 חודש לפני
The Lebanese Army: A number of Israeli mortar shells fell in the courtyard of a Lebanese Army center in the outskirts of the town of Rmeish, resulting in an officer being slightly injured
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Hezbollah now announced 9 its members were killed as a result of Israeli bombing in the southern regions of Lebanon
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Statement issued by Hezbollah: “After the death of three mujahideen brothers this afternoon as a result of the Israeli attacks on Lebanese towns and villages, groups of the Islamic Resistance, in an initial response, attacked the Pranit Barracks, which is the command center of the Galilee Division, and the Avivim Barracks, which is a clerical command center affiliated with the Western Brigade, using guided missiles. Mortar shells hit them directly."
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בתגובה לשיגורים שזוהו לפני זמן קצר משטח לבנון לעבר שטח ישראל, כוחות צה"ל משיבים כעת בירי ארטילרי
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נתניהו: "קורא להקים ממשלת חירום לאומית, בלי תנאים מוקדמים"
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רה". @netanyahu: "אנחנו ידענו תמיד מי זה חמאס - עכשיו כל העולם יודע. את זוועות חמאס לא ראינו מאז זוועות דאעש, נכריע אותו כפי שהעולם הכריע את דאעש"
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Israeli Prime Minister: We are working to fortify our borders with Lebanon and the West Bank
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Hezbollah now says four of its members have been killed in Israeli shelling on southern Lebanon - @reuters
Hezbollah transferred a large number of Qarqat al-Radwan to southern Syria, especially the areas near the Golan
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זוהו מספר שיגורים משטח לבנון לעבר שטח ישראל. אין נפגעים. פרטים נוספים בהמשך
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טיל נ"ט שוגר משטח לבנון לעבר ישראל, אין נפגעים
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Hezbollah officially confirms the death of one member due Israeli strikes in Lebanon
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Lebanese al-Jadeed: Hezbollah will respond to the Israeli attack in southern Lebanon according to the "rules of deterrence
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הסלמה בצפון: 7 חיילים נפגעו בהיתקלות עם מחבלים בגבול לבנון, בהם שניים במצב קשה ואנוש
Rockets sirens sounding in Beersheba11 חודש לפני
Rockets sirens sounding in Beersheba
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The Israeli army Homefront Command instructs Israeli civilians in towns near the Lebanese border to remain in their homes
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The Lebanese Army: We call on citizens to take the utmost precaution and caution and not to go to areas adjacent to the border
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Al-Mayadeen correspondent in southern Lebanon: A house near the town of Yaroun was damaged as a result of the Israeli artillery shelling that continued until now
The Israeli military is sending large numbers of reinforcements to the Lebanese border. The Israeli military has struck several Hezbollah targets at this hour11 חודש לפני
The Israeli military is sending large numbers of reinforcements to the Lebanese border. The Israeli military has struck several Hezbollah targets at this hour
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City of Metula (north) orders residents into protected space
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דובר צבא ישראל: מסוקי קרב ישראלים הפציצו אזורי גבול עם לבנון
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This afternoon, UNIFIL peacekeepers detected explosions near Al-Boustan in southwest Lebanon
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Israeli army says combat helicopters are carrying out strikes in Lebanon
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Israeli army has bombed a Hezbollah observation post on the Lebanon border
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Lebanon: Israeli bombing on the outskirts of the town of Aita al-Shaab and towns adjacent to it
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החדירה שסוכלה בגבול לבנון: 3 חיילים נפצעו בינוני בחילופי אש עם מחבלים
A military aircraft raid near Marwahin, southern Lebanon11 חודש לפני
A military aircraft raid near Marwahin, southern Lebanon
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City of Kiryat Shmoneh orders all residents into shelters until further notice
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Israeli army says two mortars were launched from Lebanon at northern Israel earlier.Sirens sounded in the Upper Galilee towns of Iftach and Ramot Naftali.The military says one projectile landed in an open area, causing no injuries, and the other projectile landed short in Lebanon
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Reuters: A Hezbollah official said: We did not carry out any operation inside Israel
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דיווח בלבנון: צה"ל ירה למספר מקומות בלבנון הסמוכים למקום החדירה
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בהמשך לדיווח הראשוני, כוחות צה"ל הרגו מספר חמושים שחצו לשטח ישראל משטח לבנון. הלוחמים ממשיכים בסריקות במרחב. כמו כן, מסוקי קרב תוקפים כעת במרחב. פרטים נוספים בהמשך
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Two of the militants have been killed. One seems to hve returned to Lebanon. Two others may still be in Israeli territory
"At this time, we can confirm the death of nine U.S. citizens" in Israel, an NSC spokesperson tells Al-Monitor
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4-5 militants from Lebanon tried to infiltrate into Israel; there is fire exchange between them and Israeli soldiers
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התקבל דיווח על חדירה של מספר חשודים לשטח ישראל משטח לבנון. כוחות צה"ל פרוסים במרחב. פרטים נוספים בהמשך
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Israeli sources: At least 12 missiles were launched from southern Lebanon towards Mount Hermon and the Upper Galilee
Rocket alert sirens sounding in northern Israel11 חודש לפני
Rocket alert sirens sounding in northern Israel
WSJ: Iran helped plan Hamas’s attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting last Monday11 חודש לפני
WSJ: Iran helped plan Hamas’s attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting last Monday
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NBC US military is planning to move US Navy ships and US military aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support
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שר הביטחון גלנט הנחה על פינוי היישובים בעוטף עזה, ואף באזור הצפון
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New missile launches from Gaza
בלינקן: אנחנו עושים כל שביכולתנו כדי שלא תקום חזית נוספת בסכסוך הזה, כולל עם חיזבאללה בלבנון.
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Israeli army says it identified a suspicious object in the air approaching northern Israel and fired an interceptor at it. After investigation, it was revealed to not be a drone. Israeli army did not strike in Lebanon
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דיווח בלבנון, אחרי שיגור הפטריוט: ישראל תקפה בחוות שבעא
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Unconfirmed reports of a drone interception in Safed, northern Israel
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Chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah: We are not neutral in the battle currently taking place against the Israelis
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The Israeli army opened fire a short while ago to remove a number of suspects from the infrastructure area that was attacked earlier today in the Har Dov area (Shebaa Farms).
The Hezbollah tent that was attacked by the Israeli army this morning was rebuilt11 חודש לפני
The Hezbollah tent that was attacked by the Israeli army this morning was rebuilt
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דיווחים על התחדשות הירי של צה"ל ללבנון, לאזור כפר שובא
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Israel army: In response to a Hezbollah attack from Lebanon into Israel, Israeli army Artillery struck targets in the area. An Israeli army UAV also struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of Mount Dov. The Israeli army has taken preparational measures for this type of possibility. We will continue to operate in all regions and at any time necessary to ensure the safety of the Israeli civilians
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Lebanon: The spokesperson for UNIFIL announced that peacekeeping troops affiliated with UNIFIL observed the firing of rockets from southeastern Lebanon toward the Israeli-occupied territories in Kafrchouba. Israel also responded with artillery fire
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Hizballah took responsibility for this morning's attack on Mount Dav: "a large barrage of rockets was fired at 3 Israeli army facilities"; the Israeli army destroyed the tent that the organization had erected in the area in response