8 Lipiec 2024
8 miesiąc temu
Warning of possible infiltration by armed elements in the town of Metulla, near the border with Lebanon
Joint Ministry of Defense and IDF announcement: The National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) of the Ministry of Defense and the IDF are announcing the implementation of a plan to evacuate residents of northern Israel who live in the area up to 2 kilometers from the Lebanese border to state-funded guesthouses. The 28 communities included in the plan are: Ghajar, Dishon, Kfar Yuval, Margaliot, Metula, Avivim, Dovev, Ma’ayan Baruch, Bara’m, Manara, Yiftach, Malkia, Misgav Am, Yir’on, Dafna, Arab al-Aramshe, Shlomi, Netu’a, Ya’ara, Shtula, Matat, Zari’t, Shomera, Betzet, Adamit, Rosh HaNikram, Hanita and Kfar Giladi
Israeli army releases for publication that an officer was killed in one of the anti-tank guided missile attacks from Lebanon yesterday, against the Nurit post. A civilian was killed in a separate missile attack against the town of Shtula
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Hezbollah: An Israeli drone bombed sites on the outskirts of the border town of Al-Adissa with Israel
Lebanese Foreign Minister: The caretaker government has no ability to control Hezbollah, despite the positive dialogue with the government
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Hezbollah claims responsibility for attacking a number of Israeli army posts along the Lebanon border with light arms
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There are reports of gunfire on the Lebanon border. Residents of Metula ordered to shelter. Further details unclear
Additional sirens in northern Israel8 miesiąc temu
Additional sirens in northern Israel
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Channel 12: The army is attacking Lebanon at these moments
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The fourth since the morning. a Kornet missile was launched towards the "Yifthah" settlement on the border with Lebanon
After limited charter flights, the US Embassy is now planning to evacuate American citizens in Israel on a ship  leaving Haifa tomorrow for Cyprus8 miesiąc temu
After limited charter flights, the US Embassy is now planning to evacuate American citizens in Israel on a ship leaving Haifa tomorrow for Cyprus
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The outskirts of the town of Ramiya and Marwahin were subjected to Israeli artillery shelling after the Dahr al-Jamal border site was targeted with a guided missile
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Hezbollah claims responsibility for another anti-tank guided missile attack on the Lebanon border. The terror claims it targeted an Israeli tank
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Israeli army attacks in the area of the village of Ita a-Sha'ab
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Israeli bombing focused on the western sector of southern Lebanon
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The Israeli Army: We attack Hezbollah military targets in response to the attack on our forces on the Lebanese border
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MDA says one dead, three wounded in the rocket or missile impact in Shtula on the Lebanon border
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MDA says one dead, three wounded in the rocket or missile impact in Shtula on the Lebanon border.
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5 Israeli casualties were caused by an anti-tank shell that hit a house in Shtoula on the border with Lebanon
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Israeli artillery shelling intensifies on the western Lebanese sector in the border area
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Minister spraw zagranicznych Kanady: Wzywamy naszych obywateli, aby unikali podróżowania do obszarów na południe od rzeki Litani w Libanie
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Hezbollah publishes footage of the anti-tank guided missile and rocket attack on Israeli military sites in the Mount Dov area earlier today
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Israeli army statement: Following the initial report regarding sirens sounded in the communities of Avnei Eitan and Alma, two rockets were launched from Syria toward Israeli territory that fell in an open area. No interceptors were activated according to protocol
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Intense Israeli warplanes flights on Lebanon's southern border
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An Israeli military spokesman: Our forces are fully prepared in the north
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Lebanese Information Agency: Violent Israeli bombardment on several border sites amid the flight of drones
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Israeli army says it struck a terrorist cell in Lebanon that is suspected of planning to carry out an anti-tank guided missile attack against troops in the area. Earlier, some 30 mortars were launched at the Mount Dov area.
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The Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya says two people in critical condition have been brought to the hospital, without elaborating. The Israeli army has not provided information on possible causalities from the clash with Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon
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Lebanese Hezbollah: We fired mortar shells and anti-tank guided missiles at Israeli border positions
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Israeli artillery shelling targets most of the heights of Bastra, Halta, Shanouh, and the outskirts of Kafrshouba and al-Mari