5 أكتوبر 2024
Gantz: "In Gaza they feel our power, and if necessary - in Lebanon they will also feel it"
11 الشهر منذ
The threat of aircraft infiltration from the Lebanese border has been ruled out
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The U.S. Embassy in Beirut @usembassybeirut: The U.S. Embassy in Beirut has not evacuated and is open and operating normally. Reports saying otherwise are false. For more information and travel advisories, visit our embassy website
The Israeli army on the infiltration of the aircraft from Lebanon: no hits and no casualties in the north
الجيش الإسرائيلي ينفي وجود أي محاولات تسلل باتجاه شمال إسرائيل
Flares over South Lebanon now11 الشهر منذ
Flares over South Lebanon now
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صحيفة "معاريف" العبرية: أعمال بحث جوية عن طائرات مسيرة اخترقت الحدود من لبنان نحو شمال فلسطين
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Ma'alot given the all-clear, no infiltration
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مراسل الجزيرة: قصف مدفعي إسرائيلي على محيط بلدة رامية بالقطاع الأوسط جنوبي لبنان
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Israeli jets flying over the airspace of Shebaa Farms and the eastern sector of southern Lebanon
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Suspected terrorist infiltration alert sounding in Ma'a lot Tarshicha
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US @Southcom "watching very very closely" for possible action by Iranian proxies, Hezbollah in Central & South America following Hamas attack on Israel, per Gen Richardson
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مصادر عبرية: اشتباكات مسلح في بيت هيلل شمال فلسطين
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Blast in Metulla, no casualties
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أنباء عن قصف منطقة حيفا بصاروخ من لبنان
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مراسل الجزيرة: طائرات إسرائيلية حربية واستطلاعية تحلق في الأجواء القريبة من لبنان
11 الشهر منذ
القناة 14 الإسرائيلية: تسلل مسلحين إلى منطقة معيان باروخ في الشمال وأنباء عن تسلل 20 طائرة مسيرة
الجيش الإسرائيلي: توجيه كل سكان الشمال بالدخول إلى المناطق المحمية
Head of Upper Galilee council claims some of the aircraft that infiltrated from Lebanon are carrying people
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الجيش الإسرائيلي: معلومات أولية عن اختراق 15 طائرة مسيرة من لبنان
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Reports of paragliders carrying militants in northern Israel
Drone infiltration alerts sounding in northern Israel: Safed, Tiberias, Beit She'an
Early reports indicate dozens of drones launched from Lebanon at Israel11 الشهر منذ
Early reports indicate dozens of drones launched from Lebanon at Israel
Massive barrage in northern Israel11 الشهر منذ
Massive barrage in northern Israel
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صفارات إنذار في مستوطنة أفيفيم قرب الحدود مع لبنان
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حزب الله: حاملات الطائرات لن تخيف فصائل المقاومة المستعدة للمواجهة حتى تحقيق النصر والتحرير الكامل
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Hezbollah issues a statement saying the United States is a 'full partner' of Israeli 'aggression' on the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah also says that it holds the United States fully responsible for the airstrikes that are killing civilians in Gaza
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الجيش اللبناني يعلن العثور على المنصة التي أطلقت منها صواريخ نحو شمال إسرائيل
تحليق متواصل لطائرة تجسس  غير مسلحة من نوع هيرمز 900 في أجواء الحدود مع لبنان ( إشارة إلى أن ميزة هذه المسيرة صوتها الخافت)12 الشهر منذ
تحليق متواصل لطائرة تجسس غير مسلحة من نوع هيرمز 900 في أجواء الحدود مع لبنان ( إشارة إلى أن ميزة هذه المسيرة صوتها الخافت)
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Israeli site near Al-Jardah after it was targeted by Hezbollah with guided missiles
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UNIFIL denies reports Hizbullah informed the Lebanese army and the international peacekeeping forces UNIFIL to evacuate all sites on the Israeli border immediately
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The official spokesperson for UNIFIL, Andrea Tenenti, stated on the X platform that during conflicts, "rumors can run rampant," confirming that UNIFIL persists to be "present and operational."
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Israeli army says it carried out a drone strike against a Hezbollah post in southern Lebanon in response to the ATGM attack on an army post, and also launched artillery strikes in the area
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لبنان - مراسل الحدث محمود شكر: المعلومات تشير إلى استهداف للموقع الإسرائيلي عبر إطلاق صاروخين لعربة مدرعة إسرائيلية
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Al-Mayadin is reporting that Hezbollah has ordered the Lebanese Army and the UNIFIL to evacuate the border region with Galilee
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وكالة الأنباء اللبنانية: تجدد القصف الإسرائيلي بوتيرة أعنف على محيط بلدات حدودية وسماع أصوات أسلحة رشاشة
12 الشهر منذ
مراسل الجزيرة: طائرات استطلاع إسرائيلية تحلق فوق عدد من المناطق اللبنانية قرب الحدود مع إسرائيل
Statement from HezbollahIn a firm response to the Israeli attacks on Monday, 10/09/2023, which led to the deaths of a number of Mujahideen brothers, the dead: Hossam Ibrahim, Ali Fattouni, Ali Hodraj. This morning, Wednesday 10/11/2023, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Israeli site of Al-Jardah, opposite the Al-Dhahira area, with guided missiles, which led to a large number of confirmed casualties among the ranks of the occupation forces, including dead and wounded.  The Islamic Resistance reaffirms that it will be decisive in its response to the Israeli attacks targeting our country and the security of our people, especially when these attacks lead to deaths12 الشهر منذ
Statement from Hezbollah"In a firm response to the Israeli attacks on Monday, 10/09/2023, which led to the deaths of a number of Mujahideen brothers, the dead: Hossam Ibrahim, Ali Fattouni, Ali Hodraj. This morning, Wednesday 10/11/2023, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the Israeli site of Al-Jardah, opposite the Al-Dhahira area, with guided missiles, which led to a large number of confirmed casualties among the ranks of the occupation forces, including dead and wounded. The Islamic Resistance reaffirms that it will be decisive in its response to the Israeli attacks targeting our country and the security of our people, especially when these attacks lead to deaths"
12 الشهر منذ
يستهدف قرى حدودية في جنوب لبنان
With the help of the Home Front Command, the Upper Galilee Regional Council began this morning to place shields in the kibbutzim in order to provide protection for the forces deployed in the council's territory
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حزب الله يعلن مسؤوليته عن استهداف موقع إسرائيلي بصواريخ موجهة
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An Israeli tank was hit by an anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon. Military areas are being bombed mutually
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مراسلة العربية: قوات اليونيفل زادت من دورياتها على الحدود اللبنانية الإسرائيلية
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الجيش الإسرائيلي: نشن هجمات على الأراضي اللبنانية رداً على إطلاق قذيفة من لبنان
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Israeli army says an anti-tank guided missile was fired from Lebanon at a military post near Arab al-Aramshe
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الجيش الأميركي: حاملة الطائرات "جيرالد فورد" مهمتها ردع أي طرف يسعى لتصعيد الوضع أو توسيع دائرة الحرب
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Reports of several mortars fired from Syria at Israel, but the projectiles fell short and did not cross the border
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City of Metulla in the north is strongly urging residents to leave the town ahead of an expected escalation
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حزب الله: أطلقنا صاروخا موجها باتجاه آلية إسرائيلية في مستوطنة أفيفيم في الجليل الأعلى
12 الشهر منذ
الجيش الإسرائيلي يستهدف مواقع للميليشيات حزب الله في سهل الماري ومزارع شبعا
12 الشهر منذ
Israeli army: In response to the anti-tank missile that was launched from Lebanese territory toward a military vehicle in the area of Avivim a short while ago, an Israeli army helicopter struck an observation post belonging to the Hezbollah organization. No Israeli army injuries were reported
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A missile was fired at an Israeli army vehicle - no casualties, an Israeli army combat helicopter attacked another Hezbollah observation post
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Lebanon: The Israeli army launches illumiantion bombs over Labbouna in Naqoura and targets Green Without Borders centers
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قناة الميادين اللبنانية: قصف إسرائيلي يستهدف خراج بلدة الضهيرة جنوبي البلاد
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An LBCI security source confirmed that approximately six rockets were launched from the Qlaileh plain toward the Galilee. Lebanon
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صورة من مستوطنة “شلومي” على الحدود الشمالية.. بعد إطلاق رشقتين من الصواريخ سقط معظمها في مناطق في مفتوحة وتم اعتراض عدة صواريخ. رئيس مجلس المستوطنات المحاذية للحدود ورئيس مستوطنة شلومي، يقول للإذاعة العبرية إنه تم إخلاء كل المستوطنين الليلة الماضية
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Reuters reports, citing a Lebanese security source, that the rockets from southern Lebanon were fired at the northern Israel by Palestinian organizations
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The Israeli army is now responding with artillery fire in response to launches from Lebanese territory
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Reports of several fallen missiles in open areas near the towns of Shlomi and Hanita in northern Israel
Incoming rocket sirens in northern Israel12 الشهر منذ
Incoming rocket sirens in northern Israel
Israeli army gives an all-clear to residents of the north after a suspected infiltration into Israeli airspace. "There is no fear of a security incident"
Residents of some towns in the Upper Galilee have been ordered to remain in shelters as the Israeli army says it is investigating an infiltration into Israel's airspace in the Golan Heights
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In addition to the senior Israeli army officer, another two soldiers were killed in the clash on the Lebanon border yesterday
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Released: Deputy Commander of Brigade 300, Lt. Colonel Alim Abdallah, 40, of Yanoch-Jat, was killed today in an encounter with militants who infiltrated from the Lebanese border into Israeli territory