13 يوليو 2024
7 الشهر منذ
البنتاغون: لا نرى أن الحرب في غزة تحولت إلى صراع إقليمي رغم أن التوتر حاد
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Israeli army artillery fire towards Marawahin
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says the Israeli army has killed more than 100 Hezbollah members, and destroyed dozens of its observation posts, weapons depots, and other sites amid the fighting in northern Israel
وزير دفاع إسرائيل من الحدود الشمالية: حزب الله سينسحب ليعود السكان في ظروف أخرى
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant this evening. Secretary Austin reaffirmed the U.S. interest in preventing the conflict in Gaza from expanding into Lebanon. He condemned the continued cross-border attacks from Lebanon into Israel and expressed his support for the safe return of Israeli civilians to their homes in the north.7 الشهر منذ
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant this evening. "Secretary Austin reaffirmed the U.S. interest in preventing the conflict in Gaza from expanding into Lebanon. He condemned the continued cross-border attacks from Lebanon into Israel and expressed his support for the safe return of Israeli civilians to their homes in the north.
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Israeli army artillery fire towards Ayta Ash Shab
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Earlier this morning, Israeli air defenses intercepted a surface-to-air missile fired from Lebanon at an Israeli army drone, the military says. The missile did not enter Israeli airspace and the drone was not harmed. The Israeli army says it carried out airstrikes on Hezbollah sites in response
A drone has reportedly been intercepted over Haifa, northern Israel7 الشهر منذ
A drone has reportedly been intercepted over Haifa, northern Israel
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U.S. embassy in Lebanon: there have been 12 hours of calm on the border with Israel - statement
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قائد "يونيفيل" يعرب عن قلقه إزاء "تبادل إطلاق النار المكثف المستمر على طول الخط الأزرق" جنوب لبنان
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Israeli army artillery fire towards Marjayoun and Klayaa
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Israeli army artillery fire towards Kafrkila
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Israeli army artillery fire towards Hiam
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وسائل إعلام لبنانبة: قصف مدفعي إسرائيلي على أطراف سهل الخيام وكفركلا ومركبا بالقطاع الشرقي جنوبي لبنان
7 الشهر منذ
Hezbollah has claimed 22 attacks against Israeli targets along the Lebanon-Israel border today
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Israeli army strikes in Kafrhamam and Chebaa
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‏غارة جوية نفذها الطيران الحربي إستهدفت اطراف ⁧ كفرشوبا⁩
7 الشهر منذ
مراسل الجزيرة: غارة إسرائيلية على القطاع الشرقي لجنوب لبنان
The meeting of Iran FM and Hamas leader lasted 3 hours. Ismail Haniyeh, after the meeting, said that “Israel’s crimes in killing Palestinian Lebanese people is unprecedented. Israel seeks to adopt scorched earth policy in Gaza”7 الشهر منذ
The meeting of Iran FM and Hamas leader lasted 3 hours. Ismail Haniyeh, after the meeting, said that “Israel’s crimes in killing Palestinian Lebanese people is unprecedented. Israel seeks to adopt scorched earth policy in Gaza”
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حزب الله يعلن اليوم مقتل عنصرين من عناصره جنوبي لبنان
Israeli army strike in Mhaibib7 الشهر منذ
Israeli army strike in Mhaibib
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مسيّرة إستهدفت بلدة محيبيب بالتزامن مع قصف مدفعي طاول منطقة الغابة بين عيترون و مارون_الراس
Smoke rising from an Israeli army outpost near Manara after it was allegedly again today by the Hezbollah militants7 الشهر منذ
Smoke rising from an Israeli army outpost near Manara after it was allegedly again today by the Hezbollah militants
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الخارجية الفرنسية للعربية: مررنا رسائل لحزب الله وسلطات لبنان وإسرائيل لتجنب التصعيد
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Mortar shell launches towards the area of Yiftach, roads in the vicinity of the kibbutz are blocked
Reports of renewed Israeli army artillery fire near Naqoura in southern Lebanon7 الشهر منذ
Reports of renewed Israeli army artillery fire near Naqoura in southern Lebanon
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حزب الله: استهدفنا نقاط تجمع وانتشار لجنود في محيط موقع تلة الخزان وحققنا إصابات ة
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إستهداف موقع العدو إسرائيلي في "حدب البستان" في القطاع الغربي بقذائف الهاون
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قصف مدفعي إسرائيلي على أطراف بلدة شيحين
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قصف مدفعي يستهدف جبل بلاط و أطراف بلدة مروحين